Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How to Make a Dandelion Crown for AG's or you!

 Hey guys! It's SUCH a nice, warm day outside, and I wanted to make an outdoor craft. What better to do than a Dandelion crown! Dandelions are bright yellow flowers that grow literally EVERYWHERE. They are considered weeds by a lot of people, but are incredibly useful ones! The whole thing is edible, the leaves for salad, frying the blossoms in batter, and the roots can be used to make dandelion coffee (please google this if you want to try, I'm not knowledgeable in every detail.
:D )
If you can pick small enough dandelions, than this "crown" can be a great accessory
(or subject) of a photoshoot. Based off the Daisy tutorial, here is my version!
 1. Collect 10 or more (the more the flowers, the thicker the crown) dandelions. Try to find the smallest ones.
 2. Take one of the dandelions, and make a slit close to the bud (if you want a crown with a lot of flowers) or mid stem (if you want a slightly thinner crown)

 3. Take another Dandelion and slid it through the hole.

 4. Clip the excess stem of the first flower, but be carefull that you you don't break it close to your slit, as that could cause the whole crown to fall apart.
 5. With the second Dandelion, make another slit and repeat steps 2-4 until you've used all of your flowers.
6. After all the flowers are used, set the chain on your dolls head, and check to see that it's the right size. Take flowers out if it's too big, and add more if its too short. Once the size is right, slit another hole in the very first flower, and line up the last slit with the first, and push another dandelion through. This should keep it connected.

There you go! You could even experiment with different types of flowers, such has violets, daisies, etc. If you do try it, comment a link to the picture or post so I could see it! That would be awesome.  Have a great day :3
(Psst!! Bonus pictures!)

1 comment:

  1. I've always wanted to know how to make flower chains! Now I do! ;)


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