Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Emily's Trip to the Park!

**PHOTOS ARE SIDEWAYS. I CANNOT ROTATE THEM! On my computer, they're fine, on the upload thing, they're fine, but here? NO. THEY'RE NOT FINE. Help anyone?!-Jeneca)

Hello, my name is Emily Bennett. My friend Molly told me that I should post these photos, because she thinks I'm shy. Well, I guess I am, slightly. Today I tagged along with Jeneca to the playground!
 Here I am standing on the very nice rock wall that is on one side of the playground. You can see the playground behind me!
 I soon found this lovely flat rock, perfect for sitting. The sun felt nice. I'm so happy to no longer be wearing jumpers!
 This is the playground. As you can clearly see, it is much, much larger than I am, but it was still fun.
 I quickly went to the other side, as fast as my little legs could carry me. I found these pecuilar plastic toadstools that led up to the stairs.
However, due to my very small stature, I had to use the "get out of jail free card"... also known as a human.
Once on the other side, I set off about climbing those steps. It wasn't too complicated, but I had started to regret wearing a skirt.
 Once I finally reached the top of the steps, I turned, expecting to find the slides. But no, there was another set of steps. I found it was much easier to jump DOWN then to climb UP.
 And once I had climbed down the second flight of steps? Yes, there was yet another flight of steps. As you can see, it is very hard to be lady like and to climb up steps that are half your height.
 I reached yet another disappointment as I came to the first slide. Puddles. I had almost forgotten that it had rained the night before.
 So I walked along the bridge to the other slide, which seemed to be a prison for me.
 The next slide's puddles were much smaller, so I simply walked in between them, and...
 Off I went! (with the help of the very helpful Jeneca, of course.) It was thrilling, however I do suggest a smaller slide, this one was rather scary.

 I began to walk around and discovered a swing.
 How could I get up there? I pondered. I was an inch taller than me, if I stood with my back to it.
 Credit is again due to Jeneca. I will never to the park again without her! If you happen to have a human yourself, or even a step stool, I highly suggest these swings. Very comfortable place to relax! I had to get off soon after, as I began to nod at passersby. I was "plum tuckered out" as Molly said, from studying spelling words for the upcoming spelling bee!
 Thank you so much for reading this post about my trip.

(with a little help from, 


  1. That looks like the park from my town I hope you don't mind asking but what's the name of the park?( If you feel uncomfortable answering the question you don't have to respond.)

  2. That looks like the park from my town I hope you don't mind asking but what's the name of the park?( If you feel uncomfortable answering the question you don't have to respond.)

  3. Sorry, I'm not allowed to share where I live :)


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