Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tour of my (first and temorary) Doll Camp Site!

It's Jeneca here! I thought I would show you some picture of my first, temporary, and now destroyed doll camp site for Camp Doll Diaires. I had to take it down last night, because it was supposed to rain then, and later today.
 Here's my welcome sign. I added a lake, campfire, and camp store.
 Here's my very poorly made tent. XD It's a huge slab of cardboard folded and glued in place. The purple support things are construction paper tubes glued to me a support beam.
 This is Mia's adorable identification card thingy. It is SO SO CUTE.
 My campfire is unfinished. I need black paint for the pit, and to paint the grate. The fire is hot glued pieces of felt, and the marshmallows are cotton balls. :D
 This is the Cabin Gowonagin sign, along with a list of campers. Not very accurate however, because they have a tent, not a cabin. XD
 On the inside is Molly and Emily's bed. This tent was a fail because it was too small! It could just barely squeeze in two dollies.
 Mia is the current Cabin Gowonagin leader, so she's got the clipboard, haha. Nobody has signed in yet!
Here's an over view. I need to gather all this stuff again and construct a cabin thingy uneath my desk... oh well.


  1. I like your tent. Very creative. And you can lay your dolls on their sides to fit them better. Nice fire pit too!

  2. Love the camp set! Looks awesome :)

  3. Really awesome! Our camp set is inside, not out. I can only guess the patience and talent it would take to make that! Patience and talent I don't have... lol

    1. Thank you so much!! That's very sweet of you. :3


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