Saturday, September 7, 2013

Peak Inside the September 2013 AG Catalog...

Hi there! I got my American Girl catalog yesterday, and I thought I'd takes some pictures and show you some of the new release.
 First thing I noticed... that I had totally forgotten... the bittys! They were redesigned and re-released with quite a few new bittys.
 I thought it was funny that they put out a snowman... so easy to make, but AG's is adorable. More importantly, I love that new jacket/sweater!
 Anyone else think this pictures is weird? Sure, a bun on your head is fine, I like it like that... but that's a bit poofy. XD
 Look at this beautiful new table and chairs set! I love the table and the chairs and beautiful... At the price though, $90, it will not be finding a new home here in Molly's kitchen, haha.
 I am not a fan of this outfit. It looks cheap and thrown together. Plasticity lace skirt with tulle underneath? A simple white shirt with a sequined neck? No good, in my opinion. For thirty dollars, I would much rather purchase the Sweet Spring dress next to it.
 It's in every catalog these days, but I really love this sleepover set up!
*sigh* I still can't except that Molly's going out the door. She's been here the longest! Don't worry, I won't start ranting, however much I was tempted to keep going just now, haha. At least she's gett her time in the spotlight.

 Molly's second full page... I'm not sure that I like her new bed, but I'm a stick in the mud for all this new stuff, so to say. Her new PJ's are cute! And the holiday dresses are, as always, beautiful. :)

 Look at this new Bitty! LOOK HOW CUTE IT IS! This has got to be one of the cutest bittys out there... Look at this adorable bright brown eyes! So unique... I love this one.
 I was surprised how many new bittys there are... it's great! Now we just need a few bitty twins.
I am so proud of AG... green eyes! Amazing idea! I've not been to fond of a lot of the stuff they've been doing lately, i.e, major price ranges, un-necessary retiring of certain historicals... but this re-release of the bitty babies is lovely. :)
This bitty isn't new, is it? I thought it was when I took the picture, but now I'm not so sure. It's still cute though, I love he/she. :)
Those are my thoughts! Have you gotten your catalog yet? What do you think of the new release?


  1. Oh my goodness! The new bitties are so cute! AG never sends me the catalogs, so thank you for this post!

    Also, how did you make your head? It's so pretty, and I've been dying to figure out how to link the text to a page.

    1. Your welcome! Same here, I hardly EVER get them. I've gotten maybe four this year.
      I happened upon an AMAZINGLY HUGE AND AWESOME stash of free online scrap booking paper. There are a few regulations, and you have to link back, but it's here:
      There's so many to choose from!

      The link to text thing is pretty easy to create... But first off I actually had to go into my HTML (please let me know if this goes over your head, I'll break it down further... hey I could do a post on it!! :O) and manually delete the code for my header. Next, I went to this site:
      and uploaded my header image. I applied the links (instructions on site) kinda like you put stuff on Picmonkey. I copied the the HTML code and created an HTML/javascript widget in place of my header in the layout window in blogger. All I had to do from there is upload the same header image onto an image hosting site (photobucket, for example) and replace the image-maps link for my header and replace with the picture URL that I uploaded on photobucket.

      So yeah. Sorry to type your ears off, and that my writing style is oh-so-confusing (or so I think it is)


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