Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Shout Out Your Doll Sites! #1

Do you have a doll related website, blog, Youtube, Instagram? Maybe even an exclusive doll Pinterest?
I do!
(well, not a exclusive doll related Pinterest.)
And I love it when I see "shout out your doll sites" posts like this one, so I've decided to start my own! At the beginning of every month, most likely either to be on a Monday or Tuesday, or simply the first of the month, I'll be posting this for you to leave a link to your doll site here, for me and everyone else to read. Perhaps I'll never do it again, I don't know! Let's have fun with this. :)

So, in the little chart below, please leave the name of your site, and the URL leading to it. Do not link anything that is not doll related, and no spam please. :)

Monday, October 6, 2014

Updated "Meet The Dolls" page!

If you click on Meet the Dolls in the header above (or in the link I just provided) You'll see I gave all the girls new bios, and took new photos!

Feel free to mosey on over and read the all new bios and check out the new headshots! :)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Speical Photoshoot with Saige!

 A few months back, I was able to get some pictures of the gorgoues Saige. "You got a new doll!?" You say.
Nope, haha. I have some younger friends who are into American Girl, and when they came over for a play date/babysitting time,Y, we'll call her brought her Saige doll.
 I was very happy she let me take her on a quick photoshoot outside-- she's really pretty.
 Of course Mia came along, because two dolls is better than one ;)  (well, sometimes. if you have two dolls, you have twice as much to look after and take care of)

(okay so I would just like to add that this is my favorite shot. *.*)

 Hope you enjoyed! 
Which photo was your favorite? 
Oh, and do any of your friends (young or old) have dolls?