Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy {Throwback} Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all in the US! I hope you have a great meal and have a good time being thankful for everything you have and everyone you know, no matter how small or big those numbers may be.
Today, I figured it would be neat to have a throwback for thanksgiving, and post a link to my first thanksgiving photo story I did in 2010.... some 4 years ago! (good grief I'm getting old O_O)
Anyway, here's the link. I hope you all enjoy, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Click here to read, "Thanksgiving 2010!"

What are you doing for Thanksgiving today, if you do celebrate it?

Monday, November 17, 2014

Mia's OOTD // October 19th, 2014

These pictures I'm about to share with you were once lost, but they're now found!
Heh, sorry guys. It's Mia. I'm here with another fabulous and slightly odd OOTD, featuring some Zellawear Corduroy Skinny Jeans that actually haven't been released yet. I'm here to give you a sneak peak of them before they're sold in a December Release called Chilly Days. (or something along the lines of that)
Because it's chilly. 
As you can see, things still look quite green in this post, I mean, check out those leaves back there. Green. These were taken back in October, but then I lost them. It's much less green now, trust me. It actually snowed yesterday. The only green left now are the leaves on the bushes that are slowly freezing to death. (but that's okay with me, because the cold never bothered me anyway) 
I'm getting off topic, and Jeneca is probably going to fire me now for being such a horrible post writer... oops... 
Here's the run down of ze outfit:
 Headband // Homemade
T-Shirt // Zellawear
Chords // Zellawear
Shoes // Release Rain on Ebay

 The lighting outside was pretty epic, too. It looked much more fall like out on the road outside the house. The dribbled golden sunshine, blurred red trees... *sigh*
 It was simply lovely. These awesome chords helped, too. They're soft, stripy and so cold-weather-season-perfect. Do you call your Corduroy pants Chords? I do, it's fun.
 Well, thanks for reading, guys! I hope I haven't bored you with these outfits I've been putting together... I've been enjoying making them! Hehe.
 Are there any other post-types you'd like to see on Vinyl Girls? Let Jeneca know down in the comments. 
Oh, and as usual, which one of these pictures is your favorite? :) 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Mia's OOTD // October 8th, 2014 (and a photoshoot)

Hola! It's me. Today I will be sharing my OOTD, as stated in the title above this very sentence!
This one was fun. Edgy, yes. A bit strange? Yes. Not-really-something-that-could-pass-for-normal, well yes, so am I! HA!
Anyway, let me get on with it.
T-shirt // American Girl 
Shortalls // Zellawear 
Socks // ALOF 
Shoes // ALOF 
Headband // American Girl 

 So when I saw that we had this floral shortalls, and I needed to wear them for a photoshoot, my wheels got churning.
What matches floral shortalls?

 I mean, when its summer, you can kind of get away with just wearing the shortalls... but when its 60 degrees or possibly colder?
not happening.
 So it just popped into my head. To bring out the darker colors in the fabric, and and fall trends, I've paired these shortalls with some Victorian socks (long story) and a simple black shirt.
 So yes, it may look a little strange, but I think it's quite cute.
(plus, I got to go outside and enjoy some warm temps, because now all the leaves from the trees are down on their knees, and no flowers are to be found.)
Fall is beautiful. Yours truly's birthday takes place in fall. It is a wonderful time of the year... It's the only time of year that my hair color matches the trees! :D
Plus, you get to find pretty leaves.

And of course, climb trees.
Here are the rest of the photos from the shoot.

So, go out a shake things up. Wear something you don't usually wear, don't be afraid to try new things!

Thanks for reading, and I'll seeee you guys soooon.
(Here's an attractive shot of me when I feel into the wet leaves and got water and dirt on my face. Yay!)