Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Virtual Doll Christmas Card Swap of 2014!

So yesterday, I had an idea. It was this girl that made me think of it, (to give credit where credit is due).
 I saw her adorable doll Christmas card that she made. It looks just like those family photo cards that us humans take and send to everyone we know every holiday.
It got me thinking.
If you can make doll Christmas cards that look just like the real ones... why not send them to everyone you know? I thought.
Then I realized something easier... a gigantic virtual Christmas card swap.... of dolly sized christmas cards!
You can print everyone's little Christmas cards out and plaster them over your doll fridge, just like your family does to your fridge every year!
But how would all these cards be organized in one place, you may be asking?
Good question.

Starting today, December 2nd, you can comment below a link to your doll sized Christmas Card that you can make, so I can see it. All December I'll be compiling a printable document that, towards the end of the month, I will post on the blog for you to download and then print out dozens  of little doll sized Christmas Cards to glue to your fridge!
Want to know another plus side of this? Not only will I compile all the cards into a doll sized printable, I will (if I can) post the doll sized cards in one big blog post, that will include a link back to your blog! Free advertising!
Want to know another plus side? You don't have to celebrate Christmas to join in, just whatever holiday you celebrate. Hanukkah , etc. All holidays welcome.
But now, you're probably wondering, how do I even make a Christmas card, Jeneca?! What's it supposed to look like?!

First question, where do you make it?  Picmonkey. Super duper easy site that offers many wonderful free tools. How? Slap a picture of all your dolls next to some cute text, pictures and backgrounds and bam. You've got a card. You could even make a small collage, if you prefer. It can be as simply as you like, or as complicated as you like.

So what do you think about this? Comment down below with any questions or comments you have, I'd love to hear what you have to say!

(P.S. Don't bothering printing out the card I have above... it's just an example card that I made with an ancient picture so I'd have something to show, because I haven't gotten a chance to take Christmas photos of my girlies!)


  1. I love this idea! Earlier in the year a couple of people requested blog posters for their doll houses and that was a fun project. This is just a cool! And I'm glad you included all of the holidays, so everyone can participate.

  2. I love this idea! I will have to make one soon!

    1. Glad you like it!! Can't wait to see your poster! :D

  3. Stellar idea, Jeneca. Will definitely be doing this!

  4. I love this idea, Jeneca! I'm taking the picture for my dolls' holiday card today, so I will be entering as soon as I've uploaded them :D

    ★ Shelby-Grace ★

    1. Glad you like it. Can't wait to see your pictures... which reminds me, I need to take mine! haha.

    2. I finally managed to get my card up! Here's a link to my post containing the card:

      Have a great day!

      ★ Shelby-Grace ★

  5. That's SUCH an awesome idea! We are putting up my Christmas tree today so as soon as I post my doll's holiday pictures I will put the link to my card here! :D

    ~Lydia~ <3

    1. I'm really glad that everyone has like the idea so far. Anticipating your card! :D

  6. *GASPS THEN RUNS TO PICMONKEY* So doing this :) Such an awesome idea, girl♡

    autumn @

    follow for follow? :)

  7. I have a couple of questions: does the card that I link to have to be doll sized, or will you make it doll sized yourself? Also, can I email the card to you, or would that not work?

    1. i can make it doll sized myself :) and sure! You can email it to zaidiablack (at) gmail (dot) com :)

  8. This is so fun! Here is the link to mine-

  9. Here's our card!

    Thanks for doing this, Jeneca!

    Your friends,
    Cora and Blaire

  10. I'd love to do this. :-). Just need to break out my editing apps.

  11. Woo hoo! Just in time. :) This was such a great idea, I'm so happy you made December 17 the deadline.

    Link to our card:

    ~Xyra, et al Tea Time with Melody Q

  12. So smart! I better get working!

  13. Here's mine!


  14. Finally got it up on my blog with 5 hours to go!

    1. oh, and here is the link

  15. Here it is!


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