Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thoughts on American Girl Summer Release!

Yes, it's true. It was true when Doll Diaries posted about it. I was so ANGRY when I saw it! Seriously, it's obvious that they're doing this just for money money money. Molly is the last of the three original dolls, and has been on AG for twenty seven years. I cannot belive that they are removing yet ANOTHER American Girl Icon. I mean, Molly's time period is World War II. Why Retire her? To make room for others. World War II was HUGE. Why not leave such an important time? Money, but that's only my guess, and my hardened opinion. I am a curmudgeon on this subject.
Okay, I'll hush up on the retirement of my girl. Check the website if you want a look at everything, because here are some on my favorite new things! ( :( )

Striped Hoodie Outfit for Dolls + Charm~ $30

 I love this new outfit, the colored skinny jeans are awesome! The hoodie is okay, I could do with a little less random colored graphics.

 I'm happy that they released this doll, since I know a lot of people go for the look alike thing, and this is a very versatile look... Frankly it looks to me like these girls could be Susan and Linda from Molly's stories!!

This would be Linda, I think. She looks like 49, just with the usual MyAG layered hair.

Classroom Scene~ $12  
This seems like a pretty reasonable price, and it looks pretty awesome. Same goes for all the scenes, I wish they still had the original scenes and settings for the historical characters.

School Back pack Set~ $28
  The back pack sets are always adollable. I love the science book! And the water bottle! And the notebook! And the mechanical pens! But I do not love the price...

Saige's Tunic Outfit~$28
For the AG's crazy prices, I think this is is a bit more reasonable... or maybe I'm getting brainwashed, haha. But anyway, this outfit looks a bit awkward in the picture, but I'm sure it's beautiful in real life! I love the color, and the beads.

New Hair Accessories!
I love all of these! They are pricey, but so so cute. I bought a purple hair clip for Mia a while back at the doll store, but it was very cheap. I love the pony tails, braided head bands, chic bun (kinda) and the colored clips!! So much fun.

So, that's my opionon! I will be going to the AG store this Saturday, so I'll try to get some pictures of all the new releases!!


Friday, June 21, 2013

Taking a break...

Sorry to say that, I know you probably don't want to hear that... But, I haven't been able to touch my dolls for virtually 2-3 WEEKS. I might be going to camp next week too. I'm just not sure I'll have time to blog for a little while. I really would like to do Camp Doll Diaries, and I know it's a go-at-your-own-pace sorta thing, but I'm still not done with the first week. -.-

So, bon voyage! Adios! Aloha!


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Happy Birthday, Kanani!

Hi girls! I know that Kanani doesn't really have an official birthday in her books (she never even celebrates it) but, June 9th, 2011, is when I first got her! (for my birthday) Here's a photostory commemorating her birthday and what the girls did for it. :D
"Come on, it's right over here..." Molly said, pointing ahead.
"Molly, are you sure I shouldn't change? I've been working at the shave ice shack all day..."
"You look fine, Nani." Molly said encouragingly. "You always look great, it would be weird if you went and put something 'nice' on."
"I guess you're right." Kanani giggled, knowing she was the queen of causal.

"Okay." Molly said suddently. "Stay here, I'll go check to see that everything ready."
She quickly dashed off, leaving Kanani by herself, leaning up against the wall.
Suddently, however, she heard her name called. She got up and walked torwards it when...
On the table were two gallons of ice cream, toppings and spoons for everyone!
Her sunglasses slid down her face in amazement. They'd remember her birthday!
"Whoa guys! This is awesome, I can't believe you remembered!" Kanani said quietly.
"Well, if was a teamwork effort." Molly said simply. "I got the ice cream."
"Emily picked the flowers," Molly said pointing at her best friend, who blushed.
"And it was--"
"OH OH ME NEXT, ME NEXT" Mia joking squealed. "Uh, well, I didn't really do anything-- but it was my idea!"
"And here," Mia's hand flew to the table and came up with a huge pink flower. "To replace that hair clip I lost a long time ago... in trade for the sunglasses, of course..."
Kanani laughed and stuck it in her hair. "Of course, I don't need them"
Quickly they broke into a line and began to go around the table, each getting ice cream.
"Hmmmm! Mahalo, this ice cream is amazing!"

"Thank you so much for an amazing birthday!"


Saturday, June 8, 2013

How to Make Easy Peasy Doll Marshmellows

All you need is some sticks from the backyard, a few cotton balls, and a hot glue gun!
 First, take your cotton ball and un roll it. What you say? Cotton balls can be un-rolled?! you say? Yes, they can.
Cut off the ends, or the part that looks fuzzy and ugly.
Next, apply some hot glue on your stick. (Warning!! HOT GLUE IS HOT!)
Carefully, begin re-rolling the cotton ball on the stick. That thin layer of cotton that is between you and molting hot glue is not going to protect you. You've been warned. ;)
While rolling, apply more glue on the cotton ball every now and then, until it is rolled all the way up. Make sure to apply some at the end.
Spin the stick around in your hand, and trim the edges or it, that way it looks more realistic. 

Enjoy your marshmellows!! :D

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tour of my (first and temorary) Doll Camp Site!

It's Jeneca here! I thought I would show you some picture of my first, temporary, and now destroyed doll camp site for Camp Doll Diaires. I had to take it down last night, because it was supposed to rain then, and later today.
 Here's my welcome sign. I added a lake, campfire, and camp store.
 Here's my very poorly made tent. XD It's a huge slab of cardboard folded and glued in place. The purple support things are construction paper tubes glued to me a support beam.
 This is Mia's adorable identification card thingy. It is SO SO CUTE.
 My campfire is unfinished. I need black paint for the pit, and to paint the grate. The fire is hot glued pieces of felt, and the marshmallows are cotton balls. :D
 This is the Cabin Gowonagin sign, along with a list of campers. Not very accurate however, because they have a tent, not a cabin. XD
 On the inside is Molly and Emily's bed. This tent was a fail because it was too small! It could just barely squeeze in two dollies.
 Mia is the current Cabin Gowonagin leader, so she's got the clipboard, haha. Nobody has signed in yet!
Here's an over view. I need to gather all this stuff again and construct a cabin thingy uneath my desk... oh well.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Scrambling to Camp!

Hello everyone! It's Mia here. Currently everyone is packing for camp doll diaries! There's a lot of shouting, throwing of different   clothing articles, asking for missing items, and of course, packing.
That's the pile of items that need to be packed. We're only packing for a few days, since camp is so close and we want to come home every now and ten anyway... Well, I don't want to. XD  

SO since no one has posted in awhile, I took some time out of packing to share with you the crazy hurricane rush packing.
Kanani: Mia!! Have you seen my pajamas   anywhere!?  
Me: Um, no Kanani.  
Molly: hey! We're allows to bring pets!! YAHOO!! Wait, No NO BENNETT! That's not yours!!  
Kanani: not to be rude or anything but you should probably get packing.  

See you all later! I'm so excited for camp :)