Saturday, December 14, 2013

American Girl Graham cracker Gingerbread Houses, a Guide

Today I've got something that's tons of fun to make, and has been a family tradition in our family.. for two whole years! I do it with my brothers, but it's just the right size to make for your dolls. The perfect addition to your dolly decor, Grahamcracker Houses! These are so versatile, I'm not even calling this a tutorial. It's a guide.
and yes, it's edible! No cardboard and glue here folks! Only different forms of sugar ;)
Here's what you'll need: 
  • Grahamcrackers  (I accidentally bought the square kind, buy the rectangle kind is just fine too) (you could also go all out and buy gingerbread flavored gram crackers :O )
  • Icing (Royal icing is the kind that is traditionally used in Gingerbread houses, but I found it too sugary, so I just used cream cheese that we had in the fridge. Get your favorite and go with it!) 
  • A plastic baggy 
  • A paper or tin plate
  • Candys! (pull out all that Halloween candy and go crazy! Chocolate chips, smarties, pez, candy canes,  M&M's, Nerds, Skittles... use your imagination! :oD )
  • optional: Cereal (depending on what you've got, you could use cereal to decorate. Life brand cereal would make a cool roof, etc. Again, use your imagination.)
Cut the corner off of your baggy. Make sure that it is realtivly small, like the bag on top, and not big, like the bottom bag.
Spoon some icing into the bag, and give it a squeeze into the corner. This is your piping bag!

If you have square kind, you'll need eight of them, with some extra for backup. The rectangle kind only need six, to for the sides, two for the front, and two for the roof.

To cut your gram crackers, use a serrated knife and make a line on the cracker, and "saw" it. I held up the cracker to the rest of the house.   

And here's how you put it together....

 Afterwards comes the fun part-- decorating! You could do anything you like. Plaster the roof with icing and cover with cereal, candy, chocolate, whatever! I iced on shingles, basically little fish scales, starting from the top.
 Add on a few necessary things, such as a door, windows, or a wreath... (don't forget about the back! you can just have windows on the sides. ;D )
 And you're done! Time flys when you're having fun... added icing around the base of mine, and even icicles

Don't you just wanna shrink yourself comfy inside next to a roaring fire... and then eat your house?! Yeah.
Maybe just the chocolate... <3

That's all for now folks! I've got several things I'd like to post, along with a stop motion I made late summertime, the beginning of a Christmas themed photo story, and bunches upon bunches of photos form photo shoots! I've done like, three or more, and I took one of Mia outside in the snow today. You can them later on my flickr, and I post frequently on Instagram 

(disclaimer: I'm being serious when I say this, don't eat the whole thing at once! My brothers made houses of their own, and ate only one wall each... and lets just say that were NOT pleasant to be around for the rest of the night. Be careful when consuming these massive amounts of sugar!!)


  1. I hope you meant "graham crackers" !!!!!

    1. Ahhh! Yes! I cannot believe I made such a silly mistake ;P Thank you for pointing that out, I appreciate it. :)


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