Sunday, December 8, 2013

Tour of the Doll House, Christmas Style!

The dolls have finally finished up their decorating! It took the better part of the day to do it all, but that's just because the lights kept falling down (and still are! Urgh!) Let's go from top to bottom.
First we have Mia and Kanani's apartment bedroom. It could use a little more lights, but does have a super cute "Happy Dollidays" sign I made a few years back. :) It's very cute up there at night!

The next level down is Molly and Emily's 1940's bedroom, with noise everywhere. >.< I apolgeize for that, but I love their room with all the lights everywhere. :) I hope to make a bunch more snowflakes and stick them all over their walls, but for now, it's fine.

 And here we have the kitchen! It's not quite done yet, it was my late off and on project this summer, but the flooring will have to wait until next year ;) They have their Christmas tree off in the corner, and stockings hanging around the walls. I also have a little Nativity Ornament that is place by the oven, and a small nutcracker off in the corner from a ballet performance a few years back.

Last but not least (because I LOVE this room) Its Laylie's cabin, the lowest level in my doll house, and the most 'played' in because of it's level. Laylie is my ALOF doll that you don't see much of, and has her own cabin, and apparently a stocking. I'll have to convince the girls to move their stockings down to her house. :)

That's all for now! I might update this post with better pictures later on, but enjoy. :)


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