Sunday, January 12, 2014

Weekly Photo Dump: My 1940s Girls and a New Cloak!

 Its been an... well I'm not sure... first few weeks of 2014. Doll wise, I've been preparing for an Etsy shop, doing that annoying deep thinking that I occisnally do about what point dolls really have and have taken a boat load of doll pictures.
Non doll related? I was in my house for all of this week due to the 'Blizzard of 2014'. I enjoyed it. 
So here is Molly and Emily, with Emliy starting a scandal of sorts for *gasp* wearing a tank top! Just kidding... Emily's historical, but she's been my mannikin of sorts this week.

 I did manage to sew for myself a cloak! Emily got to wear it first, even though it belongs to Laylie, my A Life Of Faith doll... that's why the hoods so big, it's supposed to fit around her massive hairdo! :o)
 These were taken before the blizzard actually 'hit' hit.
 We got fourteen inches in total, which would have been much taller that Emily... I believe there is only 7 in this picture, maybe more, because shes not pushed all the way to the ground... ha.
 I alos realized how amazing window light is and that my windows are jusssttt wide enough for my dolls to stand in them... new photo booth!! :D


  1. I agree that window light is awesome! That cloak is lovely, makes me think of 'Little Red Ridding Hood' :) Even though it's a blizzard, you are so lucky to have snow! Seattle snow is wet, turning to slush in a few hours DX All those pictures are great, snow pictures are the best :)

  2. Great photos!!!



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