Friday, January 3, 2014

What Have I Been Up To? Etsy.

Yes-sir-ree, Etsy time! I'm sewing up a storm in hopes for a Spring or late Winter release. Maybe I'll even break a few more rules and post them in a few weeks time! All I've sewn so far are a few skirts, and dug out a mini skirt I made two years ago and meant to sell then... That'll be on sale, ha.
My latest (not yet completed) experiment has been the Liberty Jane button up shirt. It's gone well so far, besides a few kinks I had to work out... but I'll be keeping this 'interesting' first try for myself, and give it to Molly, perhaps, as a late Christmas Present.


  1. Ohh, cute stuff! If only I could sew well enough to, you now, use patterns :)

    1. You should try it sometime! It's really not as hard as you may think... it's like stitching together a mental puzzle... :o)


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