Monday, February 17, 2014


See for yourself.
Six hours ago (as of Feb. 17, 2014) American Girl announced on their Facebook page that SAMANTHA PARKINGTON IS RETURNING!
I'm kinda at lost at what to think about it. This could be great, I mean, American Girl is returning one of there original dolls to their line! This is great! But, American Girl has already put us through the ringer once... but now shes coming back...

Is it just me, or is anyone else feeling hessitent about this?
I'm sure I'll be excited in the next few minutes, but I just don't like change, even if its a good change. 
It DOES make me feel hopeful about one thing though.
It AG is returning one of their retired dolls,
what's gonna stop them from un retiring the other greats? Felicity? MOLLY? Kirsten?

 What do you think about this?


  1. I'm not all that happy. I mean, AG is kinda being lazy. They don't have to do anything, and they can even more $$$ because they're also tugging at the heartstrings of moms everywhere. By re-releasing the old face of AG, they are missing the chance to find the NEW face of AG. My full opinion is over at my blog, it anyone's interested.

    1. You are right about them tugging on mother's heart strings... I'm sure they'll be plenty of moms will will by her for them selves, since she was a doll of their childhood, and the only one from them (for now)

    2. I do agree American girl might make more money than ever cause of Samantha's return

    3. i agree (may i have a link to your blog? :-) )

  2. Yay! She was retired before I came to like AG, so I'm excited!!!!

    1. Same for me, only she retired before I'd gotten my first doll. Friends of mine had catalogs and stuff a few years before, and I wanted Samantha first, believe it or not! Do you think you'll get her?

  3. Hmm, I'm rather spectical that this is a good thing because they might be retireing a lot of the other new dolls. It said one of many changes and I noticed ( from how much catolog space and giant sale which I participated) that new doll like Marie-Grace aren't selling as AG hoped. What I do hope is that they start making Historical movies again. I liked Chrissa's move, but now all the others just seem to blend together you know nothing interesting. So I'd be wary.

  4. I am with you. Kind of skeptical and hesitant to say it is a good thing.
    ~Christian Homeschooler
    P.S. I just found your blog!! :)

  5. I'm not that sad and not that happy. Whenever American girl releases a new historical character they retire one. The only reason American girl is bringing Samantha back is because she made a lot money cause of her era.

    1. whatever I am just happy she's coming back. Whoop!

  6. She was my favorite doll growing up as a child. I was always baffled that they retired her. I think she's the prettiest doll. I wish they'd bring back felicity and Kirsten too. The classics will always sell.


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