Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Behind the Scenes-- Skating in the Spotlight

 As you might know, I'm participating in a contest called AGC, or
American Girl Contest. The last theme was "When I Grow Up" And I thought
I would show you some behind the scenes for how I set it all up.

This was the final image.

But of course I took a few more, just random snapshots of various poses....

Soon after I was able to get the shot, my cat Noelyn deiced he wanted in on the action. Luckily, nobody fainted at the sight of a ferocious panther ;)
Just chillin' on the rink, don't mind me.
I hesitate on sharing such a messy picture, but here it is... behind the scene. I taped my black robe up against my closet door, and the rink is just cardboard from an old trifold. The sides are more cardboard, just covered in wallpaper. I made the signs out of index cards, playing off of popular stores. "Dollbucks" and "Dollmart" and "McDollnalds".... any idea what those are? ;) 

Have you ever set up a skating rink for your dolls? This one was just temporary, not meant for play, but I know My Froggy Stuff has a tutorial for a real one. :D


  1. LOL, I know how you feel about sharing zoomed-out pictures! I can get such nic, clean, pictures, and I feel like sharing whats really behind it all (literally) kind of ruins the effect :^\ Then again, this is something I'm a fair bit OCD about! Getting perfect, professional pictures :) Eh, blame The Spicy's with their epic pictures.

    I love your set up! Looks very real :) I haven't tried, because I know I'd fail.Good luck with the contest!

    1. *Nice. That's another thing that really irks me, bad grammer and not using spell-check ;) It's not even funny how bad my typing would be without spell-check.


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