Monday, April 21, 2014

1st Birthday here at Vinyl Girls!




much wow.

Just kidding, I'm still happy!!!!


*clears throat*
 We've come quite  a long way in one year...
We started out as American Girl Imagination. It was my FOURTH (yes, big ol' 4th) attempt at running a doll blog. There was been Mia's first blog, the first blog I ever opened. It has undergone many changes.... from being solely Mia's blog,  "No Guts, No Glory" to " A Bunch of Crazy Dollies'" and its current state, "The Very Confusing Life of Mia Delilah St. Clair" I would still post there, but that blogging account has been hacked. I can't access it.
Molly and Emily had a blog of there own once, called "Stuck in the 1940's" but I deleted it.
Running, or trying to run, 3-4 differnt blogs at once was hectic, and quality is king when it comes to blogging. I couldn't suffiently supply each blog with quality content. (that's when I tried "A Bunch of Crazy Dollies as my main, but it kinda failed)
I eventually just stopped blogging, to jump of the AGtube train.
But it April of 2013, I decided I was sick of things I was seeing on youtube, and the amount of time and creativiy that was being sucked our of me.
 I was seriously just done.
I missed blogging,
I missed photo stories,
 I missed the fun.
So I created this:
I wasn't very pleased with the name, but I just wanted to get out there. I was bursting with ideas! Photostories, crafts, whatever else.

It's been up and down since then, post quanity and quality wise. But I'm glad to have had all 38+ along for the ride! This little site in the blogosphere has reached a little over 15,000 views! That's insane! My other blog, my 'human' one, has had only 7,000+ and has been open for nearly three years.

Might I remind you that this is our first year running here on Vinyl Girls? Yeah.
I like looking at stats, so, let's look at stats! :D
 These are from blogger.
 First off, NO. I cannot see where to live, nor track your IP address, or zoom in on your house and cackle.
I just see how many hits I get from each country.
It's incredibly interesting to see all the places around the world that this blog has been opened up. Malta? Poland? Russia?

Much more important to me that silly little stats and page views are your comments. I love reading them, and its honestly what keeps me going most of the time. I love feedback, and recently, you've been giving me a lot of it!  Thank you!
 So, thank you so much for an amazing first year. It's been a rollercoaster, but then again; what year ISN'T a rollercoaster?!
Here's to the rest of the time I remain on this blog.
God Bless!! Oh, and happy Easter.... He has Risen. :D


  1. Wow! We are very glad you came back to try again. The AG blogosphere would be missing an excellent member without you.
    Happy blogging!!


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