Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Molly Enjoys Spring!

 I apologize deeply for my absence. I'm all over the internet, its hard to keep up. I'm also trying to finish the Historical Fiction novel I wrote last November so I can edit it and get a few proof copies to give about. I'm also trying to keep on top of my school work, which I failing to do, hahaha....
 Yes I do think that spring truly, sincerely is here. (finally!)
I know Emily is excited about being able to garden! All those peas, potatoes, peppers, strawberries...
Molly, who for some reason decided that she was going to wear modern clothes, went out and enjoyed it as it sunk into the night sky. I believe she noticed that Emily has been wearing modern attire for quite some time now (since she models clothing for Zellawear) that Molly wasn't going to be the only girl left in a skirt. Haha, I'll have to go change both my historical girls into their proper attire later. ;)

"Oh haz, can i b in ur pixzur?1/1!?"

So, who else has a little picture taking compainion? It's nearly impossible to take pictures with Momma Kitty around (as pictured above) Because she just wants to sit on me. Constantly.  And also head but my dolls. You wouldn't believe the amount of pictures of have of this cat (and one of her kittens that I currently don't have... long story) bumping into my dolls. Here:

See? It's cute, but not when you miss a good shot. XD
Oh well. Who are your photobombing pets? (or other things?)

See ya later!


  1. Beautiful pictures! Silly cat. I don't have any pets, so I don't have that problem. :P

  2. Our dogs are huge (150, 100, and 75), bigger than me, so they go inside when me and dolls are outside. Also worried about dog drool on the camera :( Kitty stays inside, but I'm sure all my pictures would look like yours if she was outside :) Beautiful pictures! I've likely asked before, but what camera do you use?

    1. Wow! One of my greatest fears while taking pictures is for a random dog to come about and take interest in my dolls >.< And thank you!
      I just saw that comment, sorry for taking so long to respong to your question. I use a Nikon D3100 with the 18-55mm kit lens.

  3. Beautiful pictures! Yes, once my cat comes mewing up to me when I'm taking pictures, I'm like, "Oh great." :)

  4. Almost all of our kitties has photo bombed a shoot. Even our bunny gets in on the action. :)

  5. I love your pictures, the light is amazing! And your cat pictures are really funny!

  6. I have two cats that headbutt my dolls too, but the dog mostly stays out of the way. :-) Your pictures are beautiful! What camera did you use?

    ~Mama Hen at The Pony Tales Sisters (www.the-pony-tales-sisters.blogspot.com)

  7. Cute dolls but such a georgeous cat.


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