Thursday, December 11, 2014

Full Size Pictures of Grace Thomas: GOTY 2015!

Posted on a video on YouTube, we now have pictures of Grace Thomas! 18" grace Thomas, not 6", hehe.
 She's got long dark brown hair, side bangs, blue eyes, somewhere between kits and the regular blue, freckles (it looks like possibly a new pattern? What do you think?) Josie mold and feathered eyebrows. In the upper right hand of her box there ES some kind of charm bracelet.
So, what do you think? Like her, or hate her? Somewhere in between? She certainly is beautiful, even if she is the fourth white doll in a row... 

The link to the original video can be found here... If I can get better pictures, I'll replace the ones above :)


  1. I LOVE her! She so cute =) I'm going to start saving my money now to get her. ;)

  2. I LOVE HER I WANT HER SO BADLY! She is so cute and she is the perfect doll for me! I have been waiting two years for a GOTY to "click" and she's the one! I'm starting to save up money already!

    ~Lydia~ <3

    1. I'm glad you finally found the 'one' for you. :) And great job on already starting to save!

    2. Me too... I kept saying if only there was an ag with brown hair, bangs, blue eyes, and freckles I would absolutely have the perfect just like me doll. Here she is! Yay!!!!

  3. Is it just me or are her eyebrows different than all the other AG eyebrows? I think she is pretty cute and reminds me a bit of Susan from the Narnia movies.

    1. She does look a bit like Susan! I'm not sure if her eyebrows are different, but they do seem a little more fuller, and her lips look a bit darker, but that could just be the lighting.

    2. Yeah...the fact that she looks a little like Susan may or may not be one of the reasons I like her so much. XD

  4. She is so adorable!! I really can't wait for her release! :)

  5. Yes, she's a winner. Will add her to my slowly growing collection. Looking forward also to what her collection will be.

  6. She is GORGEOUS! She has an original look even though it is not a new face mold. My daughter really wants to get her. I do think the eyebrows look different, though it could just be the picture. Her eyes are very very pretty. As someone who has 16 dolls in the house between my two daughters, I will be happy to add her to our collection!

    1. She does look pretty original! I think the side bangs will really help distinguish her from Chrissa, as well as the freckles.

  7. Uggh! She is a COMPLETE mixture of Chrissa and McKenna! She is so unoriginal!

  8. Im so disappointed! I was even thinking of getting her but forget about it. I'm getting Caroline on Saturday and 'I'm happy about that but this grace doll is... ugh

  9. I love her! Not only is her story excellent, but I love the combination of her face mold and gorgeous brown hair! Woooo Grace!

  10. Yea i like her story but I don't like her face.

  11. I started saving up for GOTY 2014 however, when I saw her, i was disappointed and left my money for next year! AND BOOM HERE SHE IS! So being organised helped right. I am gonna order her with my dad the day she comes out!


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