Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Girl of the Year Grace Thomas Mini Doll

It's been an interesting start to the GOTY 2015... because of the lack of leaks, we know much less about her we did Isabelle this time of year last year. We have pictures of the actual 18" doll by now.
But here we go. Girl of the Year 2015 is Grace Thomas, and here is her mini doll.
 Taking a closer inspection of this full size doll's mini counterpart, you can see she has the Josephina face mold, blue eyes (They look more like average blue eyes, not dark ones like Kits.) freckles, and mid-back black hair with significant side bangs. I think her hair is tucked behind her in the packaging, but you can tell in the lower left hand corner from the book art, its longer than it seems on the doll.
I'm not going to spread my negative opinions all over this post because I am a negative person when it comes to change and when dealing with new material... need to work on that so I will say this:
I like the doll. Forgetting any and all similarities with past dolls, I like her. I am disappointed that she is not a doll of color... That's a let down. But she is pretty. (Also I was hoping day dreaming she would possibly have Marie Grace's face mold... but oh well.
What are your thoughts and opinions on Grace Thomas? Comment below! :)


  1. I think she's really pretty! I can't wait for the pictures of her 18" self to come out!:)

    1. Me too,mouth I'm glad we did finally get some leaks :D

  2. She has long hair, it's just pulled back in the photo.

  3. My daughter was really hoping for a darker doll this year, she's going to be disappointed :(


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